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Kaitlyn Leeb is an member of the North York Board of Education. She also attended York University to study Psychology. Her net worth is estimated at 2 million U.S. dollar and she earns her money from acting, brand deals and endorsements. Kaitlyns income ranges from $30000 to 42000 U.S. dollar per month. Kaitlyn was a print model prior to beginning her acting profession. Instagram The Journey: Kaitlyn Leeb is a hugely popular Instagram user with over 75k users. In her Instagram accounts, she uploads photos from her day-to-day life and movie posters. The date was August 7, 2012 when she first created the Instagram profile. Kaitlyn Leeb's Family Ted Leeb is Kaitlyn Leebs wife and they have two daughters named Avery Elizabeth Leeb as well as Presley Leeb. On 5 August 2016 Kaitlyn Leeb delivered her first child named Avery Elizabeth Leeb. In the year 2020, Kaitlyn Leeb gave birth to a second daughter with the name of Presley Leeb.

Kayla Maisonet, an American actress who is best known for Georgie Diaz in the Disney comedy Stuck in the Middle. After moving with her mother in Los Angeles in pursuit of a acting career the actress was born in New York. When she was a kid, she always wanted to be an actor. She followed many Disney Channel series and eventually came to a decision about acting as an actor. She first began to act in her school years and later continued through adulthood. She gained fame during her time in Los Angeles after performing Off-Broadway. The first time she appeared on screen on the 2012 Disney show Dog with a Blog where she was the main character in a character that was a regular. She then appeared in The Haunted Hathaways. She landed a major role for the Disney comedy Stuck in the Middle in 2016, where she played Georgie Diaz. Kayla as well as the show were both huge successes. Kayla's part on Dog with a Blog won her a Young Artist Award.

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